Acronym & Key Definitions
- NCFF: Nebraska Children and Families Foundation
- CWB: Community Well-Being, the Nebraska statewide prevention system designed to give local community partnerships the ability to develop long-term, sustainable plans using the latest strategies, best practices, and data to prevent life’s challenges from becoming a crisis for many Nebraska families, youth, and children; also known as Bring Up Nebraska
- CR: Community Response, an NCFF-supported voluntary system of support and services for children, youth, and families to prevent unnecessary entry into the child welfare system and/or other high-end systems of care. Community Response is the “how” in all this work. We implement these goals, coordinate with partners and community members, increase equitable access to services and supports through Community Response.
- Community Collaboratives: collaborative hubs across the state, working on Community Well-Being infrastructure through contracts with Nebraska Children and Families Foundation
- DHHS: Department of Health and Human Services ∟ CFS: Department of Health and Human Services Children & Family Services
- DBH: Department of Health and Human Services Division of Behavioral Health
- NDE: Nebraska Department of Education
- NAIMH: Nebraska Association for Infant Mental Health
- FSCS: Full Service Community Schools
- LEA: Local Education Agency (public school district)
- PAC: Parent Advisory Council
- YAB: Youth Advisory Board, emerging young leaders in Nebraska that stay informed about issues impacting Nebraska’s transition-aged youth; they lead and advocate for change in Nebraska’s child welfare system and other systems of care
- DOL: Department of Labor
- CIP: Court Improvement Project
- NSTSAT: Nebraska’s Support for Trafficking Survivors Action Team
- NCFL: National Center for Families Learning
- SFEC: Nebraska Statewide Family Engagement Center
- Result: A condition of well-being for children, adults, families or communities
- Indicator: A measure which helps quantify the achievement of a result
- Performance Measure: A measure or means to how well the program/strategy is doing in providing services
Initiative / Priority Area Tags
- Edu = Education
- WF = Workforce
- MH = Mental/Bx Health
- L/E = Leadership & Engagement
- Eco = Economic Well-being/Stability
- I/C = Infrastructure & Coordination