Nebraska will have the most robust Community Well-Being prevention model in the nation by 2025.
Nebraska’s Goals:
By 2025, we will…
- Improve authentic collaboration between lived experience partners, system partners, local school districts, and community collaboratives and community members.
- Increase community collaborative infrastructure that leads to equitable well-being outcomes.
- Improve services and supports that build Protective and Promotive Factors in children, youth, families, and communities, including:
- Education, postsecondary education, and career services and support for children, youth, families, and communities hosted both inside and outside of the traditional school day.
- Supports and services for youth/young adults and young parents/families.
- Access to and increased capacity of early childhood services in communities.
- Access to and increased capacity of physical and behavioral health services in communities.
- Access to economic stability and concrete support for children, youth, families, and communities.
- Strengthen the well-being workforce in Nebraska.
Population-Level Result Areas of Thriving (strategic-level indicators of thriving):
- Children, Youth, and Families are safe and healthy: this result will have a set of indicators focused on the promotive and protective factors; physical, mental, emotional health and wellness; children’s lived experiences with a focus on understanding and prevention of abuse and neglect.
- Children, Youth, and Families are ready for and successful in educational and career opportunities: this result will have a set of indicators focused on readiness and success as children grow from infancy through early adulthood regarding their education and their career pathways; also included here are readiness and success with regard to job opportunities for those supporting their families.
- Children, Youth, and Families experience economic stability: this result will have indicators focused on access to and affordability of key resources such as housing, food, clothing, and other basic needs. The availability of jobs that pay a living wage is part of this area as well.